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From early on and out of necessity, mankind was driven to invent and manipulate his surrounding in order to satisfy every day’s need. The industrial revolution in the 18th century was the turning point of an unmatched and magnificent invention era of achievement for mankind. Since then we never wavered nor stopped thinking about new ideas and working relentlessly to add new inventions.

Currently, innovation and new technology release are dictated by diverse and global consumer markets. Companies and enterprise are racing to search and develop the next disruptive idea that will lead to unique inventions and customers and market specific products


We help companies in the areas of manufacturing, semiconductors, offshore outsourcing, equipment vendors, and operators to choose the right idea and components, package the right application and service offer, and build the right products to be able to compete in product positioning, pricing, and time-to-market in today’s widely crowded and contested market.
Requirements and features evaluations
  » Strategy evaluation & planning      
  » Technology selection      
  » Market acceptance      
  » Road map and product/project life cycle      
  » Third party evaluation and qualification      
  » Components and sub-system vendors      
    » Academic institution collaboration      
    » ITU Standarads, Policies and Regulations      
    » Telecordia, NEBS and OSMINE Spec.      
    » Program management and execution processes      
    » Homologation & Certification      
.. Work with us to improve your processes,optimize your network and protect you assets!