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In today’s unpredictable market, dynamic and aggressive competition, we at Lumiaro strongly believe that Information Technology must be observed as a strategic and vital planning instrument not as tactical defensive measures. In the past many corporation and enterprise viewed and implemented IT products and services on as need bases. With the dramatic changed sweeping global markets and industries, multifunctional organizations and entities are changing their business practice to achieve their goals in accordance with company’s plan of action and strategies such as improving ROI (return on investment) and leveraging internal and external synergies by proactively and strategically analyzing and forecasting for short and long terms planning to implement and integrate new IT applications, design and solutions.


With strong understanding of this industry and with deep and diverse acumen in information technology applications and services, technical, operational, products and unbiased opinion, our subject-matter experts are ready to work and provide you with broad spectrum of solutions, advice, products, services and consulting services..
    » Infrastructure      
  » Business processes & strategy      
  » Enterprise solutions      
  » Cloud computing      
  » Technology      
  » Programs management      

Database Solutions
a. Database need, evaluation, choice, assessment.
b. Open source and commercial solutions.
c. Data processing ETL.
d. Database modeling of OLTP or OLAP including data mart and data warehouse solutions.
e. Database development (Oracle, Sql Server, Postgres, Sybase, MySQL).

    » Web/Client server Solutions
a. Enterprise Data Bus
b. Client Server Application Development
c. web applications development
d. ecommerce solutions
e. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services

.. Work with us to improve your processes,optimize your network and protect you assets!