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Privacy and Disclaimer:  

Dear visitor, THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION ARE THE TERMS OF PRIVACY AND TERMS OF USE AGREEMENTS (legal agreement) between our Visitors and Lumiaro Technologies inc. Once you surf, brows and use our web site, you are automatically acknowledging that you have read, agreed and understand the terms of this agreement/s. In Addition, Lumiaro Technologies, Inc. reserves the right and without any prior notice to you or to any visitors/party to modify, delete, add and update all legal terms and other information within our site.

NOTE: Please understand if for any reasons you do not agree nor you feel comfortable with our legal /Privacy terms and conditions of use, DON’T ENTER/NAVEGATE through our website.


Lumiaro Technologies, Inc. respects the privacy of all and every visitors and individual who brows our website. In our practice, we have assumed the best privacy policy, reproduced herein, which describes our current practices of handling personal information and data collection.


Lumiaro Technologies, Inc. uses the personal information provided to us a follow:

1. We do not pursue nor are we in the business of collecting personal data about our visitors on our own.

2. We only collect the information which is voluntarily sent to us by the individual’s and visitors, such as a request through an email, information form request, phone call inquiry, and an employment correspondent.

3. By law, personal data submitted as part of a resume and an employment application is considered to be confidential and is used only in evaluating individuals for potential employment, and is ONLY shared with involved employees, agents, and affiliates that are involved in the hiring process.

4. We may use the information to help us improve our website’s information flow, content, and appearance.

5. We may use such information to strengthen understanding our market, customers, and products.

6. We may use the information to contact certain visitor to butter understand their inquiry and needs.

7. We do not sell or share any personal information to any outside entity or third party.


Lumiaro Technologies, Inc. may and could use methods and technology to collect anonymous information, about the use of our website, the hardware and software used by our visitors, and the address from which our site was accessed. Please understand that by using such methods, we will not be able to know who you are personally.

Lumiaro Technologies, Inc. may use a cookie for each computer that visits our site from time, “Cookies”, i.e. a small file which is sent to your browser and stored on your machine's hard drive. Our cookie does not collect information from your hard drive; rather, it allows us to recognize you and know how you navigated through our site.


We reserve an exclusive right to all information and other content of our website. The exclusive property rights (copyrights and trademarks) are managed and protected by international and U.S. copyright laws. Our websites, and the terms and conditions of its use shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas without giving effect to any conflicts of law principles.


Lumiaro Technology WILL and EXECLUSIVILY NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE and CONDITIONS BE HELD LIBALE/RESONSSIBLE TO ANY DAMAGES, SIDE EFFECTS OR ANY KIND OR FINANCIAL RESULTSyou may encure becuase of the use or our web site. Once again, all inofrmation displayed and presented on our web site is AS_IS, to the best of our knowldge expressing our own ideas and opinion on issues and matters related to our line of business.

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