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:: S ::  
  S :: Signal
  SaaS :: Software as a Service -->>
  SACM :: Service Asset and configuration Management
  SAS-70 :: Statement on Auditing Standards No. 70
  SBC :: Session Board Controller
  SBS :: Stimulated Brillion Scattering
  SDH :: Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
  SDPOH :: SDH: Path Overhead
  SET :: Secure Electronics Transaction
  SHE :: Super Head End
  SID :: Site Identification
  SM :: Security Management
  SMS :: Short Message Services
  SNMP :: Simple Network Management Protocol
  SNMP :: OSS Standard Protocol Adaptor; Simple Network Management Protocol
  SNMP v2c :: Simple Network Management Protocol Version 2.
  SOA :: Service Oriented architecture
  SOAP :: SOAP, originally defined as Simple Object Access Protocol
  SOAP :: OSS Standard Protocol Adaptor
  SOD :: Software -on-Demand
  SOH :: Section Over-head
  SONET-SOH :: SONET: Section Overhead
  SONET :: Synchronous Optical Network
  SOW :: Statement of Work
  SOX :: The Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002 , also known as the 'Public CompanyAccounting Reform and Investor Protection Act'
  SPE ::  Synchronous Payload Envelope (used in SONET)
  SPOH ::  SONET: Path Overhead
  SRI :: SNMP Research International
  STM :: Synchronous Transport Module
  STM-0 :: Imaginary ... Synchronous Transport Module #0 w/rate of 51 Mbps
  STM-1 :: Synchronous Transport Module #1 w/rate of 155 Mbps
  STM-16 :: Synchronous Transport Module #16 w/rate of 2.5 Gbps
  STM-256 :: Synchronous Transport Module #256 w/rate of 40 Gbps
:: Synchronous Transport Module #4 w/rate of 622 Mbps
  STM-64 :: Synchronous Transport Module #64 w/rate of 10 Gbps
  STP :: System Test Plan
  STS :: Synchronous Transport Signal
  STS-1 :: 51.84 Mbps; Synchronous Transport Signal level-1
  STS-1 Frame :: STS-1 Frame; 51.84 Mbps, is the basic building block of SONET. It consists of 9 Rows and 90 Columns that compose a total of 810 bytes.
  STS-m :: Synchronous Transport Signal level-m
  STS-m C :: Synchronous Transport Signal level-m - Concatenated
  SWOT :: A strategy measurement model: Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunity & Threat.
  Synchronous :: Pronounced SIHN-kro-nuhs; Greeks =with time
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